September, Friday 20, 2024

Belgium apprehends two individuals with links to far-right terrorism


Two suspected members of a far-right group have been detained by anti-terrorism police in Belgium after being accused of planning bomb attacks and inciting violence. The man and woman, both in their early 20s, were arrested during raids in Diepenbeek and Ostend, which also uncovered a significant amount of Nazi memorabilia and flags. The suspects are believed to have been recruiting individuals to carry out terrorist acts, as well as preparing for such acts themselves. The authorities have revealed that the operation is part of a wider crackdown on right-wing terrorism across Europe, with raids also taking place in Croatia, Germany, Lithuania, Romania, and Italy. In total, five people have been apprehended and seven others questioned during the coordinated effort. The detained individuals in Belgium have been named as Daan C and Kayley W, with the former being held for further investigation while the latter was released following questioning. Prosecutors have stated that Daan C is believed to be a leader within the terrorist group. The suspects were found to be active on encrypted extreme-right platforms, where they encouraged others to commit terrorist acts, recruited new members, shared information on creating 3D-printed firearms, and possessed materials that could be used to produce homemade bombs and petrol bombs. The investigation has also revealed that some members of the online groups had written a manifesto and had access to weapons. Despite the young age of some of the suspects, there are concerns that they posed an imminent threat, according to Europol.