September, Friday 20, 2024

Bedford Member of Parliament barred from boarding flight due to his name being Mohammad


During a parliamentary delegation trip to Canada last week, Labour MP Mohammad Yasin was stopped from boarding a flight because of his name, according to a statement made in the House of Commons. Yasin said he was questioned by Air Canada officials during the check-in process at Heathrow Airport and was asked if he had any offensive weapons. Air Canada acknowledged the incident and stated that they are looking into the matter internally. MP Clive Betts called the treatment of Yasin "racist and Islamophobic" and labeled it as completely unacceptable. After proving his identity as an MP and presenting his visa, Yasin was allowed to board the flight. Yasin expressed his concern over the incident and mentioned that it could have been even worse if he were not an MP. Betts also mentioned encountering similar issues when traveling to and from Canada. Air Canada expressed regret for any inconvenience caused and stated that they have reached out to apologize to Yasin. Yasin has accepted an invitation from the Canadian High Commission to further discuss his experience.