September, Thursday 19, 2024

Temporary Fishing Ban Enforced in France's Bay of Biscay to Safeguard Dolphins


France has implemented a temporary ban on commercial fishing in the Bay of Biscay in order to protect dolphins. The ban, which will be in effect from Monday until 20 February, will impact fishing grounds along France's Atlantic coast. Experts estimate that about 9,000 dolphins die in the bay each year due to accidental entanglement in fishing gear. This move comes after environmentalists called for better protection for the marine mammals and the country's top administrative court ordered the ban. Although local fishermen are concerned about the financial impact, the government has promised compensation to cover up to 75% of losses. Boats longer than 8m will be affected by the ban, potentially affecting around 450 French vessels. Some fishermen argue that their boats do not fish for dolphins and view the ban as absurd. However, environmentalists argue that dolphins often get entangled in fishing gear, leading to their deaths. Marine conservationists emphasize the importance of fishermen adhering to the ban in order to protect the dolphins and strengthen the case for their conservation.