September, Thursday 19, 2024

Disenchanted Voters in Bangladesh Ponder: "Why Bother with the Election?"


Bangladesh is facing a cost-of-living crisis as inflation rises and the economy struggles. Many people, like Noor Bashar, a day laborer, are finding it difficult to afford basic necessities for their families. The upcoming election is seen as a foregone conclusion, with the ruling Awami League expected to tighten its grip on power. This has led to disillusionment among voters, who believe that the election will not improve their lives. Many fear that a fourth term for Sheikh Hasina, the current prime minister, will worsen the economic situation. The economy was once seen as an "economic miracle," but has since struggled due to global economic slowdown and energy crises. Corruption and lack of political will to implement necessary reforms have also contributed to the country's problems. Furthermore, Bangladesh is vulnerable to climate change, with rising sea levels threatening the displacement of millions of people. However, climate change has not been a priority in the election campaign. Overall, the lack of accountability and democratic process in Bangladesh have hindered efforts to address these crises and create opportunities for the people.