September, Friday 20, 2024

Austrian billionaire Marlene Engelhorn unveils her intention to distribute €25m through a generous giveaway


Marlene Engelhorn, a 31-year-old Austro-German heiress, is creating a citizens group to determine how she should distribute a portion of her inheritance. She inherited €25 million from her grandmother and believes it is unfair that she received such wealth without earning it. Furthermore, Austria abolished inheritance tax in 2008, which she sees as problematic. In an effort to address these issues, Engelhorn wants 50 Austrians to decide how to redistribute her inheritance. Interested participants can register online or by phone, and 50 individuals will be chosen along with 15 substitute members. These individuals will engage in meetings to develop solutions for the redistribution of wealth. Engelhorn hopes their discussions will contribute to democracy and participants will be compensated €1,200 for every weekend they attend. If the group cannot reach a widely supported decision, the money will be returned to Engelhorn. While it is unclear how much of her inheritance she plans to give away, Engelhorn previously expressed her intention to distribute at least 90% due to it being unearned. Austria's abolishment of inheritance tax remains a contentious topic, with the Social Democrats advocating for its reinstatement, while the People's Party rejects the proposal, emphasizing the importance of increased net income for citizens.