September, Friday 20, 2024

Australian Prime Minister Albanese finally set to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in highly anticipated visit

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Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is set to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing, marking a significant moment in improving relations between the two countries. This visit is particularly important as it comes after a series of trade and security disputes. One of the key topics on the agenda will be trade, with Mr. Albanese calling for the removal of Chinese tariffs on Australian goods. On the other hand, President Xi is expected to request greater access to important Australian sectors. Mr. Albanese emphasized the need for cooperation with China where possible, but also stressed the importance of protecting Australia's national interests. The strained relationship between Australia and China in recent years has been widely attributed to various factors, such as Australia's push for investigating the origins of Covid-19 and China's implementation of economic sanctions on key Australian exports like beef, wine, and barley. The timing of this meeting is significant as it coincides with the 50-year anniversary of Gough Whitlam's historic visit to China in 1973, marking the first visit by an Australian prime minister after diplomatic ties were established. However, there are several contentious issues and security concerns that could influence the outcome of these talks. One pressing concern is the imprisonment of Australian writer Yang Hengjun on espionage charges since 2019, with reports of his declining health. Pressure is mounting on Mr. Albanese to secure his release. Additionally, Australia's growing military alliance with the US and recent defense policy changes aimed at countering China may make it challenging to find common ground beyond economic interests. While some experts anticipate that China may seek greater involvement in Australia's resources and renewable energy sectors, the Australian government has implemented measures to limit Chinese ownership of critical minerals and mining projects in recent years.