September, Friday 20, 2024

Egypt car crash leaves 32 dead and 63 injured


The health ministry in Egypt has reported that a crash involving multiple vehicles has resulted in the death of at least 32 people, with dozens more injured. The incident took place on the Cairo-Alexandria road, around 131km (82 miles) north of the capital Cairo, in the Beheira governorate. According to the health ministry, 63 individuals have been injured. State newspaper Al-Ahram revealed that a passenger bus and several cars were involved in the collision, some of which caught fire. Unfortunately, many of the fatalities were a result of burns. The health ministry dispatched 20 ambulances to the site, and the wounded were transported to a hospital in Wadi al-Natrun, while others were taken to Al-Nubaria. Traffic accidents are a frequent occurrence in Egypt, as the country's roads are often poorly maintained and traffic regulations are frequently disregarded.