September, Friday 20, 2024

Government of Argentina mandates that organisers of protests must bear the expenses of security measures.


The Argentinian government has announced that organisers of a protest against its economic reforms will have to bear the cost of policing. The security costs for the demonstration, which attracted thousands of protestors in Buenos Aires, amounted to 60 million pesos. The bill will be sent to the social movements that staged the protest, covering expenses such as fuel consumption and man hours. President Javier Milei's plans for economic reforms, including spending cuts, have sparked criticism and opposition. The government defends its decision by stating that these organizations should be responsible for the costs instead of burdening the citizens. Critics of the heavy security presence have likened it to the authoritarian regime of past decades. President Milei has vowed to take firm action against groups attempting to disrupt his plans with protests. His government's reforms, which include privatization and reductions in subsidies and public spending, have been praised by the International Monetary Fund. Argentina is currently facing significant challenges, including soaring inflation, low cash reserves, high government debt, and widespread poverty.