September, Friday 20, 2024

New Netflix Documentary Delves into the Enigma of the Alien and UFO 'Bermuda Triangle'


In the late seventies, the remote Welsh village of Broad Haven experienced one of the largest mass UFO sightings in the UK. More than 450 extraterrestrial encounters were reported, including sightings of a flying saucer, a 7ft alien-like figure, and a "cigar-shaped" UFO near a school yard. The village became known as the "Bermuda Triangle" of mysterious craft sightings and strange beings. Recently, residents who witnessed these encounters shared their stories in the Netflix documentary series 'Encounters', produced by Steven Spielberg's production company. These sightings took place in 1977, during the height of the Cold War and the release of science fiction blockbusters like Star Wars and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The village attracted international attention when 16 schoolchildren claimed to witness a UFO in the sky. One child described the spaceship as a cigar shape with a dome and colored lights. Another child claimed to have seen a man along with the UFO. Now, more than 45 years later, those who reported the sightings as children still insist that it was not a hoax. One witness, David Davies, initially thought the stories were nonsense but was shocked when he witnessed a silver, cigar-shaped craft himself. The school headmaster separated the children to avoid collaboration, and all the descriptions of the UFO were similar. Other locals in the village also reported encounters with UFOs and strange entities. One witness, hotel owner Rose Granville, saw a hovering craft with two figures and described them as having long arms and legs, with no facial features. The spaceship left markings on the ground. Another witness, Mark Morston, claimed to have seen a saucer-shaped craft and encountered a 7ft tall figure wearing a silver suit. The police were called to investigate one incident and found the family terrified. The series 'Encounters' was chosen to showcase the Welsh story due to the large number of witnesses and the entertainment value. Some critics suggest that the UFO sightings were actually planes headed to a nearby air force base. However, those who saw the UFOs insist that they were not jets. Speaking out about their encounters negatively impacted some witnesses, who faced skepticism and even physical assault. The story eventually attracted the attention of Spielberg's production company, Amblin, and is part of the new documentary series.