September, Friday 20, 2024

Alice Wood sentenced to prison for fatally hitting and causing the death of her partner in Cheshire


A woman named Alice Wood has been sentenced to a minimum of 18 years in prison for the murder of her fiancé, Ryan Watson. The incident occurred after an argument between the couple following a party in May 2022. Wood claimed that Watson's death was an accident, but the court found her guilty. During the trial at Chester Crown Court, jurors heard that Wood drove at Watson three times before he was fatally injured. CCTV footage showed Watson enjoying himself at the party, while Wood was described as being distant and cold. Wood grew angry when Watson connected with another woman at the gathering. The tension between the couple escalated when they argued over who would drive home. Wood claimed that Watson accused her of flirting with other men, leading to a heated exchange at their home. Witnesses reported hearing shouting, doors slamming, and the revving of a car engine. Wood then used her car as a weapon, reversing towards Watson but narrowly missing him. She then drove at him again, knocking him onto the bonnet of the car, and ultimately dragged him underneath the vehicle. She continued to drive for approximately 158 meters before finally stopping and seeking help from a nearby resident. After her conviction, Watson's family expressed their pain and anguish, stating that it was difficult to watch the CCTV footage of his death in court. They emphasized that Wood had taken away their loved one's life in a violent manner. While Wood has been given a lengthy prison sentence, his family believes no sentence will ever be enough to compensate for the loss they have suffered. Feel free to follow BBC West Midlands on Facebook, X and Instagram, and share your story ideas at