September, Thursday 19, 2024

Alex Batty admits he fabricated story of fleeing commune to safeguard his mother


British teenager Alex Batty has admitted that he lied about the details of his escape in order to protect his mother and grandfather from the police. In an interview with The Sun, Alex revealed that he started having doubts about their nomadic lifestyle when he was around 14 or 15 years old. His aspirations for the future led him to abandon the nomadism and return to England. Alex was found walking along a road in France six years after he initially went missing. Now under the care of his grandmother in Oldham, Alex has shared the story of his escape and the reasons behind his decision to leave. He explained that a year ago, he realized that the nomadic life his mother offered him was not conducive to his future goals of becoming a software engineer. It would have meant constantly moving, no friends, no social life, just work without the opportunity to study. Last year, Alex discussed the possibility of returning to England with his grandfather, who was still alive despite earlier speculation from French police that he may have died months before. Not wanting to involve his mother, who opposed his plans, he decided to consult his grandfather instead since he was more receptive and understanding. Alex admitted that he fabricated a story about a four-day journey to prevent the police from tracking down his mother and grandfather, who he believed would be arrested on suspicion of child abduction. He clarified that he knew exactly where he was going and described his actual journey as a two-day hike from the French Pyrenees to Toulouse. Alex was eventually picked up by a delivery driver who took him to the local authorities in Toulouse before arrangements were made for his return to the UK. During his emotional reunion with his UK family, Alex expressed his happiness at seeing his grandparents again. Looking to the future, he has ambitions to continue his education, learn French, and study computer science in college.