September, Thursday 19, 2024

Alex Batty's Plea: "I long for home, I love you"


A British teenager who had been missing in France for six years reached out to his grandmother, expressing his desire to come home. Alex Batty disappeared while on a vacation to Spain with his mother and grandfather, neither of whom have legal guardianship of the 17-year-old. They are wanted in connection with his disappearance in 2017, and their whereabouts are currently unknown. Alex is currently staying at a young person's center in Toulouse and could potentially return to the UK within hours. The teenager was spotted by a concerned driver on a road in the Pyrenees early one morning. The driver took Alex to a police station, where he explained that he had been walking for four days, starting from a mountainous area whose location he did not disclose. The driver, Fabien Accidini, searched Alex's name on the internet and discovered that he was being sought after. Seeking help, Mr. Accidini contacted French authorities, leading to Alex's grandmother being notified. Using Mr. Accidini's Facebook account, Alex messaged his grandmother, expressing his love for her and his desire to come home. Susan Caruana, Alex's grandmother and legal guardian, spoke to him and expressed her joy at hearing from him after such a long time. However, due to her frailty, she is unable to travel to Toulouse. The French prosecutor's office has transferred the case to British police, who will be sending a team to pick Alex up and bring him back to the UK. It is believed that Alex had been living a transient lifestyle in the remote Pyrenean valleys, frequented by individuals seeking alternative lifestyles. While Alex has not revealed where his mother is or the exact location of his stay in the Pyrenees, his grandmother had previously stated that she believed his mother and grandfather had taken him to live with a spiritual community in Morocco, seeking a non-traditional way of life and avoiding formal education. Alex was last seen at the Port of Malaga on October 8, 2017, which was the day his family was expected to return to the UK from their holiday. The UK embassy in Paris contacted British police, who have been in touch with French authorities to ensure the teenager's safety. The investigation is ongoing, and efforts are being made to provide appropriate safeguarding measures for Alex. The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has confirmed that they are offering support to the British national in France, and they are in contact with local authorities.