September, Friday 20, 2024

Woman in Alabama with uncommon condition of having two wombs successfully delivers twins within a span of 48 hours


A woman in the United States who has a rare condition of having two uteruses has given birth to two babies within two days. Kelsey Hatcher, aged 32, delivered her first daughter on Tuesday and the second on Wednesday at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Hospital. Ms Hatcher expressed her gratitude for the incredible medical team on social media. The babies are described as fraternal twins with distinct birthdays. Unexpectedly, Ms Hatcher was not aware she was pregnant in both uteruses until a routine ultrasound unveiled the second baby. This condition, known as uterus didelphys, affects only 0.3% of women, and the likelihood of becoming pregnant in both uteruses is extremely rare at "one in a million". Ms Hatcher's pregnancy was considered routine, and the double uterus provided each baby with extra space to grow. The first baby was delivered vaginally, and the second required a C-section. Despite their unique situation, the babies are considered fraternal twins as they were each the result of a separate egg fertilized by a separate sperm.