September, Friday 20, 2024

Airbnb Cottage in Close Proximity to Inverness Vandalized by Irresponsible Puppy Vendor


A "Superhost" Airbnb owner in the Highlands was shocked to discover that her property had been trashed by a puppy seller over three days. Tracey Parsons, 55, rented out her cottage near Inverness to a woman for 10 days. However, on Tuesday, 14 puppies and a dog covered the property in dog feces and rubbish. Parsons and her partner, David Bradley, were alerted by a neighbor who saw what appeared to be an abandoned car full of puppies. The neighbor also noticed a foul smell and dogs barking at the cottage. When Bradley arrived at the property, he encountered a couple waiting to buy a puppy. They left after seeing photos of the inside. Parsons also found the cottage filled with dog feces. Additionally, she discovered puppies in a cage along with metal lids from dog food cans. The puppy seller, who used the name Rachel Tidey to rent the cottage but corresponded as Camille Harland with the BBC, has been suspended from Airbnb. The seller blamed some of the mess on the police allowing the puppies to run loose for a few hours. Parsons has had to spend two days deep cleaning and repainting the cottage before it can be rented out again. The police and Scottish SPCA were contacted, and while no criminality was established, the Scottish SPCA is working with the owner to ensure the animals are properly cared for. Airbnb is providing support to Parsons and is assisting with any investigation.