September, Thursday 19, 2024

Delhi's Air Quality Deteriorates to "Very Poor" Levels, Predicted to Worsen Further


Officials have stated that the air quality in Delhi, India's capital, has reached "poor" levels and is projected to worsen in the upcoming days. Delhi is known as one of the most polluted cities globally, with its air becoming exceptionally toxic during winter due to various factors such as crop burning, low wind speeds, and firecracker usage during festivals. The polluted air in Delhi poses severe health risks to its residents on a yearly basis. The level of PM 2.5, which can cause lung damage and various diseases, reached 306 in the city on Monday according to government data. Air quality is considered moderate between levels 101 and 200, poor between 201 and 300, "very poor" above 300, and "severe" when surpassing 500. VK Soni, a scientist at India's weather department, predicts that the air quality will remain in the "very poor" category in the coming days. Complaints from residents about the smog in the mornings have also been reported, with some stating that the worst is yet to come in terms of pollution levels. The Environment Minister has implemented the second phase of a plan to combat increased pollution, including increasing the frequency of public transport services to reduce vehicle emissions. Moreover, special teams will be deployed to identify and address pollution sources, such as biomass burning, dust, congestion, and vehicles. Delhi's pollution problem is influenced by various factors such as vehicular and industrial emissions, dust, and weather patterns. Additionally, the burning of crop residue in neighboring states is expected to increase in the coming days, potentially exacerbating the situation as northwest winds carry the smoke into Delhi. It is important to note that India's pollution issue extends beyond Delhi, with Indian cities regularly ranking high in global pollution rankings. For instance, last week, Mumbai experienced a decline in air quality, surpassing Delhi multiple times during the month due to factors like the absence of rain and ongoing construction work.