September, Thursday 19, 2024

Almendralejo, Spain, left stunned by AI-created explicit images of minors


A small town in southern Spain is in shock after discovering that AI-generated naked pictures of young local girls were being circulated on social media without their knowledge. The images were created by using fully clothed photos of the girls, many of which were taken from their own social media accounts. These photos were then processed by an application that generated fake nude images of the girls. Over 20 girls, aged between 11 and 17, have come forward as victims of this app in or near Almendralejo, in the province of Badajoz. The mother of a 14-year-old victim, Maríá Blanco Rayo, explained that her daughter discovered the circulating photos upon leaving school one day. Her daughter denied taking any nude photos of herself, stating that they were fake pictures of girls that were being created and shared. In response to these incidents, the parents of the affected girls have formed a support group in the town. Police are currently investigating the case and have identified at least 11 local boys involved in the creation and circulation of the images through messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram. Authorities are also looking into the claim that an attempt was made to extort one of the girls using a fake image of her. The impact on the affected girls has varied, with some feeling the need to isolate themselves. Almendralejo, known for its olive and red wine production, is not accustomed to such attention. However, one mother, Miriam Al Adib, has used her prominent social media profile as a gynecologist to bring this issue to the center of Spanish public debate. The case only recently came to light when Adib posted a video providing reassurance and support to the affected girls and their parents. Concerns have been raised about the lack of specific legal coverage in Spain regarding AI-generated sexual images, particularly when it involves adults. The creation of such material using minors could be considered child pornography, and the suspects in this case are between the ages of 12 and 14. Local residents who are not involved in the case are also worried about the impact on their own children. This is not the first time such incidents have occurred in Spain. Earlier this year, AI-generated topless images of the singer Rosalía were shared on social media. The concern is that similar apps are becoming increasingly common, and the accessibility of such technology to minors is a growing challenge in combating these crimes.