September, Friday 20, 2024

OpenAI board removes Sam Altman, leader of artificial intelligence (AI) division


Sam Altman, the co-founder and former head of OpenAI, an artificial intelligence company, has been removed from his position by the company's board. The board stated that they had lost confidence in Altman's ability to lead the company, citing his lack of consistent communication as a hindrance to their responsibilities. OpenAI gained attention for its creation of the ChatGPT bot and its advancements in artificial intelligence technology. Altman became a prominent spokesperson for the industry, even testifying before Congress on new regulations for AI. The news of his departure shocked the sector, prompting former Google CEO Eric Schmidt to praise Altman as a hero and express excitement for his future work. OpenAI, originally founded as a non-profit in 2015, is now backed by Microsoft after receiving significant investment. The company recently engaged in talks to sell shares that would value it at over $80 billion.