September, Friday 20, 2024

Individual Allegedly Travels from Denmark to LA without Ticket or Passport, Acting as a Stowaway


A man named Sergey Ochigava has been charged by US officials for being a stowaway on a flight from Copenhagen to Los Angeles. Despite not having a ticket or passport, Ochigava had Israeli and Russian ID cards in his possession. There is uncertainty about his citizenship. It is worth noting that Ochigava did not attempt to conceal himself on the plane and even engaged in conversations with fellow passengers during the 12-hour journey. He has pleaded not guilty and is scheduled to appear in court later this month. Upon arrival in Los Angeles on November 4th, Ochigava initially claimed to customs officials that he had left his passport on the plane, but no such document was ever found. Furthermore, there is no record of him booking any flights or applying for a visa to enter the US. In interviews with US investigators, Ochigava stated that he may have had a plane ticket but was unsure, adding that he had no recollection of how he ended up on a Scandinavian Airlines flight to the US. Moreover, he explained that he hadn't slept for three days and had no knowledge of how he managed to bypass airport security in Denmark. It remains unclear how he initially arrived in Denmark before traveling to the US. Ochigava stated that he worked as an economist in Russia a long time ago. Additionally, flight crew members were unaware of the presence of an extra passenger until they were contacted by investigators. They reported that Ochigava frequently changed seats and even attempted to consume chocolate that belonged to the cabin crew. According to one flight attendant, Ochigava appeared to have been trying to engage with other passengers, although most ignored him.