September, Friday 20, 2024

In search of companionship and solace, Taiwan seeks new friendships


Taiwan has been emphasizing its status as a democratic nation during its national day celebrations. President Tsai Ing-wen stressed the importance of Taiwan remaining a democratic and free society in her address, while the head of Taiwan's legislature highlighted its high ranking as a democracy. These words hold great significance for Taiwan, as it faces increasing threats from China's territorial claims. Taiwan has come to brand itself as "Democratic Taiwan" in order to emphasize its value and seek protection from Chinese influence. However, despite being a powerful player in the semiconductor industry, Taiwan has limited official allies. In the past, Taiwan had military alliances with the United States and held a seat on the UN security council, but those alliances have dwindled. As a result, Taiwan is in desperate need of new allies. During the national day celebrations, Taiwan welcomed representatives from small nations that are among its only remaining diplomatic allies. The front row of diplomatic seats was filled with ambassadors from countries like Guatemala and Haiti, which are facing their own challenges. Taiwan's historical allies have mostly switched recognition to Beijing, leaving Taiwan vulnerable to China's assertiveness. Nevertheless, Japan and the US continue to be the countries that Taiwan values and relies on the most. Washington sells weapons to Taiwan and maintains an unofficial embassy in Taipei, while Japanese businesses are prominent in Taiwan. Taiwan recognizes the need for new allies and has been looking for support from countries in Eastern Europe, which have experienced the control of Moscow but are now part of NATO and the EU. Lithuania has particularly shown support for Taiwan, allowing it to set up an office in Vilnius. This has sparked anger from Beijing, but Lithuania remains committed to its relationship with Taiwan. Taiwan seeks to enhance practical cooperation with like-minded democracies and economic and technological partners in the region. Overall, while Taiwan values its old allies, it is actively seeking new friendships and support to counter the challenges it faces from an assertive China.