September, Thursday 19, 2024

A prominent figure of QAnon and the Canadian town determined to remove her


A controversial figure known as Romana Didulo, who claims to be the Queen of Canada and is affiliated with the QAnon conspiracy theory, has caused a stir in a small village in Saskatchewan, Canada. Didulo and her group of around 15 to 25 followers recently settled in an abandoned school in the village of Richmound. The arrival of the group has sparked tension among local residents, who organized a protest with over 100 vehicles urging them to leave. The villagers are concerned about the safety of the children who utilize the school's playground. Didulo, a Philippine immigrant, gained a following after forming a fringe political party in 2020 and receiving endorsements from QAnon leaders. She has declared that she has overthrown the legitimate Canadian government and holds the title of "Queen of Canada" with support from influential US military interests. Didulo uses her popular Telegram channel to issue "decrees" relieving her followers of debts, leading to the loss of their possessions and homes. She promotes various conspiracy theories, including anti-vaccination beliefs and QAnon ideologies. Didulo's group has been involved in protests in Ottawa and even attempted to arrest police officers in Peterborough, Ontario. The group's stay in Richmound has raised concerns among experts who call attention to their extremist tendencies and violent rhetoric. Despite the tensions, little can be done officially to remove the group as the school and surrounding land are privately owned. The situation is being monitored by local authorities, and an ongoing investigation is being conducted into a reported assault during the recent protest.