September, Friday 20, 2024

Uncontrollable 180kg Fred apprehended following a rampage in the city.


A 400lb pig named Fred has been caught loitering outside a shopping center in Aurora after numerous complaints of mischief. Officials describe Fred as "always hungry" and someone who "loves his belly scratches". Aurora Animal Services, who were initially searching for a pig, were surprised by Fred's large size. It took eight people and five hours to capture him, and now they are trying to find him a permanent home. Augusta Allen, a field officer with Aurora Animal Services, says Fred behaves like a dog and they want to ensure he leads a happy and social life. The city officials first learned about Fred when they received a call about a pig damaging someone's yard. Despite multiple sightings, they were unable to locate him until the recent capture. Fred is a farm pig estimated to weigh at least 400-lbs, not a pot-bellied pig as initially thought. It is unclear how Fred ended up on the streets of Aurora, but staff at the shelter speculate that he may have started as a small pet pig that unexpectedly grew in size. So far, no one has claimed Fred, and staff at the Aurora Animal Shelter have provided him with the necessary supplies. They are hoping to find him a farm where he can roam freely and be comfortable. Despite his size, Fred is sociable and always hungry, and he appears content at the shelter.